Celebrating 2D and 3D Art & Photography In The​ Central North Island​ Since 2016


  • 2D Open, any wall hung art work in any media
  • Ruapehu, any 2D Ruapehu themed Artwork in any media
  • 3D, Sculpture, Ceramics, Carving or any other type of 3D Art work
  • Maori Art, open media 2D or 3D
  • Fibre Art Category
  • Photography Category
  • Junior 2D and 3D, for up to year 8 children. any type of Art
  • Young Adults, year 9 to 13 2D and 3D Art

13 – 27 JULY 2023

Twin Rivers Art Gallery Taumarunui North Ruapehu

A massive thanks to our 2023 Sponsors